Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University

Advanced Mechanical and Electronic System Research Center

Materials and Devices

Assistant Professor
AKAIWA Kazuaki

Keywords : Oxide semiconductor, Gallium oxide, Functional materials, Mist chemical vapor deposition, Material science for UWBG semiconductors

Publications :
p-type nonpolar a-ZnO:N thin films on r-sapphire substrates grown by molecular beam epitaxy, J. Electronic Materials, 2020
High gain ultraviolet avalanche photodiodes using ZnSe-based organic-inorganic hybrid structure, J. Electronic Materials, 2020
Electrical Properties of Sn‐Doped α‐Ga2O3 Films on m‐Plane Sapphire Substrates Grown by Mist Chemical Vapor Deposition, Phys. Stat. Sol, 2020
Anisotropic phonon properties and effective electron mass in α-Ga2O3, Appl. Phys. Lett, 2019
Degradation and its control of ultraviolet avalanche photodiodes using PEDOT:PSS/ZnSSe organic–inorganic hybrid structure, J. Electronic Materials, 2018
Molecular beam epitaxy and p-type doping of ZnMgSTe quaternary alloys, J. Electronic Materials, 2018